miércoles, marzo 01, 2006

Visita www.myspace.com/soulmatesquintet para escucharnos ;-)

Soulmates Quintet

Todos los lunes de Mayo y Abril: Soulmates Quintet.
Todos los martes de Mayo y Abril: Gemma Abrié + Soulmates Quintet.
Reservas y más Info:http://www.bel-luna.com/prognov06.htm
Bel- Luna Jazz Club & Restaurant
Rambla Catalunya 5
-junto a Plaza Catalunya-
08007 - Barcelona
Horario: 23 hs AUTO-RESEÑA

Pasada la primera época acompañando a José Luis "Slim" Blanco, logramos reunir, junto a Leandro Zapino, una banda de la cual comenzamos a sentirnos orgullosos.

Bautizada a los apurones " Soulmates", pero nunca mejor elegido, los integrantes del clan son:

Gabriel Amargant, alias "el tractor de Argentona" - Saxo Tenor, (también soprano y clarinete bajo)

Julián Sánchez- Trompeta (Qué buen Gazpacho quillo! casi tan bueno como el arte que tienes con la trompeta cabrón)

Cristóbal Massis - Batería. (Golossssoo jajaja, a ver cuando te das una vuelta por la plaza para la siguiente clase de Ping-Pong)

Leandro Zapino- Contrabajo ( Y? Bufanda...y ese matambrito a la muzzarela quién te lo enseñó a hacer Zapataina?)

Octavio Bugni - Piano (valga la redundancia)

Gemma Abrié - Voz (mai un nom millor triat nena!)

por cierto, gracias Dani Comas por tu colaboración, tu excelentísima predisposición al trabajo, musicalidad y energía).

Algunas definiciones encontradas de Soulmates

Classic Meaning of Soulmates The concepts of soulmates arose from Greek mythology. According to the story, our ancestors once had 2 heads, 4 arms. They did something to offend a god so that god punished them by splitting them down the middle, resulting in the creation of humans. As a punishment, we are condemned to spend our lives searching for the other half, our soulmates.

Spiritual Soulmate Concepts Many religions and spiritual paths believe in reincarnation and the concept of karma. Through reincarnation, soulmates may spend many lifetimes together in past lives. Other spiritual methods of searching for one's soulmate are astrology, numerology, palm reading, personality types, and magic. Modern spritual paths often blend western and eastern philosophies.

Companion Soulmates
These are people that we encounter through their life. These are usually friends, teachers, mentors, or other people who have helped you achieving a life's goal or helped you out of a crisis.

Twin Soulmates
These types of soulmate are your closest friends or a person whom you really click with. According to those who believe in reincarnation, you have already met them in a past life, and in this life you are continuing the relationship. There is an emotional bond between these soulmates and each is able to sense the feelings of each other..

Twin Flame Soulmates
This is the most popular type of soulmate. There is usually one twin flame soulmate for each of us. Twin flame soulmates have spent multiple lifetimes together in past lives. There is incredible chemistry and attraction towards each other. They "complete" each other and only few lucky people are able to find their twin flame soulmate. Twin flame soulmates, if separated, usually suffer enormous pain.

"Plato wrote in his Symposium that humans have been looking for their soul mate ever since Zeus cut them in half. In his mythic story, Plato describes a world where there were men, women and people who were both men and women. Apparently, humans began discussing how they could climb up to heaven and replace the gods. The gods were upset by this and discussed what should be done. The simplest solution would be to destroy mankind, but Zeus came up with a better idea. He suggested cutting all human beings in half. This would serve two purposes. First, it would immediately double the number of people making offerings to the gods. Second, it would weaken the humans, so they would not be able to carry out their plan. Zeus' idea was accepted, and the humans were all divided into two. Naturally, the humans were upset at this, and Zeus decided to enable each half to have intercourse with their opposite , symbolically creating a whole. Consequently, the males sought other males, the females other females, and the people who had been both male and female sought their other half, allowing population to reproduce."1 This concept is outlined in the modern musical Hedwig and the Angry Inch.

Manolito contesta: o sea, que según platón, somos todos putos...


Todos los lunes y martes de noviembre, diciembre y enero, en el club de Jazz Bel-Luna.
Jazz Standards. Formación: Quinteto.
Reservas y más Info:http://www.bel-luna.com/prognov06.htm
Bel- Luna Jazz Club & Restaurant
Rambla Catalunya 5
-junto a Plaza Catalunya-
08007 - Barcelona
Horario: 23 hs

Con la easyjazzband:
puedes mirar el calendario de fechas a venir en http://www.easyjazzband.com/concerts_CAT.htm

Agosto 2006.

Jueves 31 Marbella, España. Dúo c/Rocío Faks

Sabado 5. Bs As, Cd´s Bar Notorious. Horario y fecha a confirmar. Andy Hayes y Octavio Bugni +2.

Domingo 6 Bs As, Thelonious Bar. Horario y fecha a confirmar. Andy Hayes y Octavio Bugni +2.
La prensa dijo: http://www.lanacion.com.ar/edicionimpresa/espectaculos/Nota.asp?nota_id=830846
Épa ahí!

Julio 2006

8 de Julio Festival de Jazz de Tortosa (Catalunya). 11 hs Joan Rovira cuarteto.


24: duo trompeta-piano en Molins de Rei (con Leandre a la tpt)


Miércoles 19 y 26: Gonzalo Levín saxo alto + Octavio Bugni Piano.
Restaurant Little Italy C/ Rec 30
21.00 hs

Bolo ven a mí : Marzo 2006

Viernes 3 Gemma Abrié voz + Octavio Bugni Piano c/església 12 Pub "Moments".

Jueves 9 Rocío Facks voz + Octavio Bugni Piano c/ Bruc 118 Café des Arts
20.30 hs

Miércoles 15 Rocío Facks voz + Octavio Bugni Piano c/ Bruc 118 Café des Arts
20.30 hs

Jueves 23 Rocío Facks voz + Octavio Bugni Piano c/ Bruc 118 Café des Arts
20.30 hs

Jueves 30 Rocío Facks voz + Octavio Bugni Piano c/ Bruc 118 Café des Arts
20.30 hs

Standards de siempre y otros más raros, algunas canciones del Jobim menos conocido.
